BYK Graphic Arts Seminar


Make the right additive choice to optimise your inks

Join us for an exclusive seminar at BYK Additives headquarters in Germany on how to make the right choice of additives for your ink formulations.

Taking place from September 2-4th in Wesel, Germany, the seminar will cover how to select the right additive to meet your formulation requirements. You will also tour BYK’s facilities, taking in production and R&D facilities as well as the analytical department and application laboratories.

"This seminar, organised by our key supply partner BYK, is a great opportunity for formulators to learn theoretical and practical uses of additives in printing inks,” explained Philip Randall, Blagden Business Manager Coatings and Graphic Arts. “We look forward to joining BYK in welcoming our UK customers to this event in Germany for what promises to be a most informative and enlightening two days.

“The benefit of additives for solving foaming issues, and selection criterion for the most effective wetting and dispersing additive will be discussed,” he added. “BYK will also describe their response and solutions to demands for sustainable and renewable resources, as well as regulatory pressures affecting the dynamic graphic arts industry.”

Participants will discover how BYK additives work and how they help formulators achieve the desired paint properties in water-based, solvent-borne and UV inks and overprint varnishes. The programme includes:

The costs of accommodation and meals will be met by BYK. Participants are responsible for their own travel costs to and from Wesel, as well as any extras incurred at the hotel (such as phone, minibar, laundry).

If you would like to join the seminar, please contact Philip Randall on 01959 560857 (email) as soon as possible as numbers are strictly limited.


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