Silicate binders are eco-compatible, inorganic and offer high performance, even at high temperatures when they remain stable and do not produce harmful vapours or gases.
In response to growing demand for functional silicates, Blagden has linked up with Woellner to supply their range to our customers. Woellner is an acknowledged specialist producer with more than 120 years of experience in silicate production.
Woellner's Betol® product line comprises sodium, potassium and lithium silicate solutions as well as tailor-made mixed silicate binders. Functional additives are incorporated to achieve optimum performance.
Betol®-binders are used in a wide variety of industrial applications including:
Woellner reports that independent studies indicate the industrial application of silicate products has no negative impact on ecosystems.
For further information about our range of silicate binders, please contact Greg White on 01959 560817 or email.
Please note: Information provided here is given in good faith and without liability. It is intended for guidance only. Users are advised to conduct their own independent examination of the product to ascertain its suitability for incorporation into processes or products. Users should ensure that the use of the product complies with all pertinent current legislation. We guarantee to supply to specification, not performance.